Friday, April 17, 2009

Green Council

TRO JungBrannen just formed a committee to expand the firm’s sustainability policies and practices, and to lead our many green design initiatives. The Green Council is made up of a broad cross section of the firm, ensuring that our five specialty practice areas, our four professional services, and all of our regional offices are properly represented. Jamie Newton, PE, LEED AP, and Glenn Allen, AIA, LEED AP are Co-Chairs.

There are as many as fifteen firm wide sustainability task forces being led by members of this committee, among them: Staff Development, Building Technologies, Legislative Review, Carbon Footprint & ZNEB, Building Design, Consultants & Vendors, Project Standards, and many others. Their work will ensure that our firm remains at the forefront of our profession’s dedication to sustainable design practices. Earlier this week I drafted a letter to Christine McEntee, CEO of the AIA, and pledged our support for the AIA’s 2030 Commitment….a program whose goal is to encourage the AIA’s member firms to design carbon-neutral buildings by the year 2030. In it I said “The places where we live, work, and play represent the largest sources of greenhouse gas emissions in America, as well as around the world. As architects, we understand the need to exercise leadership in creating the built environment. We believe that we must alter our profession’s practices and encourage our clients and the entire design and construction industry to join with us to change the course of the planet’s future.”

All of us here at TRO JungBrannen are proud of our continued commitment to sustainable design, and we recognize the vital global need for significant reductions in the use of natural resources, non-renewable energy sources, and waste production.